LETTER: Why ruin the ice?

Dear Editor,

To the group of individuals who recently applied food coloring to the ice formations at the mouth of Logan Canyon, I ask, what is the point of your hideous display? Is it your attempt at a canyon beautification project that has gone severely wrong? Are you a bunch of frustrated artists who apparently can’t find a more suited canvas to put forth a poor choice of colors? Or, is it simply a mark of your passing, much like what a dog does when he pisses on every tree and fire hydrant in the neighborhood just to say, “Hey man, I’ve been here.” Your motives perplex me, but whatever they may be, let it be known that you have created an eyesore. There is a select group of climbers in the community that regularly climbs that ice and would no rather see your befoulments there as to see graffiti covering the stone of the local climbing crags or trash covering the grounds of a pristine wilderness area. Please reserve your use of food coloring to sugar cookies and Easter eggs, and if you feel the desire to express yourselves again perhaps you should stick to crayons and construction paper because your actions reflect the mentality of a preschooler.

Brian L. Cardall