LETTER:Think about United Nations

Dear Editor,

Oct. 24 is United Nations Day and the 56th anniversary of its founding. All of us should take a few minutes to study the type of global government the United Nations desires to be (and is quickly becoming) by reading the U.N. Charter and other resources.

As compared to our U.S. Constitution, the concepts upon which the United Nations are founded do not “secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.” The United Nations can accurately be said to be hostile to our liberties protected in the Constitution.

Another notable difference is the absence of the concept of limited government with checks and balances designed to keep government as the servant and not as the master. The United Nations does not recognize that rights are divine in origin, not favors granted by governments or dictators. This shouldn’t be a surprise considering many of the countries and leaders represented in the United Nations have risen to power through bloody revolutions using terrorist tactics to eliminate and silence opposition.

Like his predecessors before him, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has delivered a series of addresses openly calling for an end to national sovereignty, the creation of world law under a global government and the unrestricted ability of the United Nations to intervene in the internal affairs of nations.

The United Nations calls for world taxation and a socialist-style redistribution of wealth. They would like an expansion of China’s coercive population control programs to the rest of the world. They call for complete disarmament of everybody other than U.N. military and police forces creating an unchallengeable monopoly of force. In addition, they are forming an International Criminal Court with jurisdiction over the entire world, without the rights and securities guaranteed to American citizens.

With all the recent flag waving, I hope people will also think more seriously about the present threats to our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

Craig Huntzinger