Linebacker Watts earns weekly honor

Matt Glade

Utah Statesman: What got you interested in football?

Robert Watts: My dad. He’s been a coach ever since I was little so I’ve always wanted to play. I guess you could say I was destined to play.

US: What athlete did you admire most growing up?

RW: I admired a lot of athletes, the latest one would have to be Derek Brooks. Once I started to play football I looked at him and emulate him a little bit, the style of defense he plays.

US: If you couldn’t play football, what other sport would you like to try?

RW: Baseball. It’s fun to play. You get to go out there, hit the ball, throw it around and loosen up the arm a little bit. I would like to play outfield.

US: Besides sports what else do you like to do?

RW: I hang out with my wife and daughter. I usually play video games too.

US: What are your plans after you graduate?

RW: I am going to try for the NFL, try to extend my career. There are no guarantees there though. Actually, I was thinking about becoming a coach. I told you my dad was a coach. I would definitely like to start coaching and teaching right away. Follow in my dad’s footsteps.

US: What is your most memorable moment?

RW:: Last week was big for me. I’m going to have to say that pick. It was my first touchdown ever in any football game, high school or college. I was able to do it in front of my family and friends. It meant a lot to me. I’m slow and I got lucky, I don’t think I should have made it that far.

US: Is there a moment you would like to forget?

RW: That Utah game, the whole thing. I would like to erase that all. I wish I had another shot at them. After the game I was real disappointed it was my senior year and I have never beat them. It hurts, but life goes on.

US: What is the most important thing you have learned playing football?

RW: Never give up. Always strive for perfection. Work hard. Whatever you do be the best at it.