“Lions for Lambs” teaches us not to be sheep

Aaron Peck

It is explained in the movie that “lions for lambs” is a term used to describe how unsympathetic politicians (the lambs) send brave, stalwart young soldiers (the lions) to their deaths on the battlefield. But, after watching the movie, an argument can be made for the opposite. The lions, whose roars are far worse than their bites, are the politicians who are essentially devouring the soldiers sent on what the movie shows as a fool’s errand.

“Lions for Lambs” is an interesting look into the current political situation we find ourselves in. The story is told through three separate story lines which are loosely connected together through flashbacks. Robert Redford (“Spy Game”) plays a college professor trying to cure the world one apathetic college student at a time. Tom Cruise (“Minority Report”) plays a youthful, pompous Republican senator who’s engaged in a battle of wits with a seasoned television reporter played by Meryl Streep (“The Devil Wears Prada”). The final story focuses on two young soldiers who were once pupils of Redford’s character who are now in Afghanistan trying to implement a “new military strategy.”

The film doesn’t feel like a political lecture at all. On the contrary, it really feels like the conversations these characters have are the exact same conversations that passionate people across this nation are having. The scenes with Redford and the wayward student are the most engaging. I could see myself as that student, wondering why everything in our nation is so screwed up, but not really wanting to do much about it.

Streep gives another great performance as a television reporter who realizes real news has given way to celebrity pop-culture junk. She’s given an exclusive by Cruise’s character to tell the nation about the “new military strategy” for Afghanistan. She doesn’t buy the crap the senator is shoveling, and neither do we. The character of the senator is a borderline sarcastic look at how our politicians act today – all talk, and no actual plan.

“Lions for Lambs” tackles some big issues in American politics, and it doesn’t try to hide the issues and what politicians need to change their ways.

If you can’t get past the actual real-life politics of the actors, then you shouldn’t go see this movie. People will be calling it a “liberal propaganda tool” for years to come. But, if you can actually see past those labels, you’ll find that there is a lot to, not so much learn, but rather think about after this film is over.
