Local hospital provides supplies for Olympics

Alizabeth Bassett

Many Logan Olympic volunteers will be traveling to different venues to donate their time to the athletes and their spectators. A few people are getting involved without any travel at all.

“When the Swiss hockey team, Russian and French figure skating teams and the Chinese speed skating team practice at the Bridgerland Community Ice Arena (BCIA), Cache Valley Specialty Hospital (CVSH) will be there to supplement the teams’ own medical staff with sports medicine services,” said Tara Bone, CVSH public relations representative.

The hospital is a sponsor of the BCIA. During the time the Olympic teams come to the BCIA to practice and perform, the hospital will supply all of the first-aid items and some on-hand volunteers, Bone said.

“The Bridgerland Community Ice Arena is an unofficial Olympic practice venue during the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. The ice arena’s first-aid room is supplied by CVSH. The hospital will also have a strong presence in the ice arena by participating in various educational programs and employee training,” she said.

Altogether there are 15 volunteers during the Olympics. The volunteers range from certified nurses to physical therapists. Some of the volunteers already work for CVSH but there are many different volunteers from the Logan area, Bone said.

The volunteers have been set into teams and there are team leaders. The team leaders will be the ones who decide where and what each volunteer will do. There will always be two first aid volunteers during the public performances. The volunteers will be available during the time of the three public performances and other welcoming events, she said.