
Logan City Council passes resolution encouraging face coverings

The Logan Municipal Council passed a resolution today requesting citizens wear face coverings through Oct. 15.

Resolution 20-37 calls for citizens to wear face coverings who are “able to medically or psychologically tolerate a face covering” and unable to social distance. The city’s mask mandate, which began at the beginning of the month, will end Aug. 30.

The resolution comes as schools in Logan, including Utah State University, are preparing for the return of students this fall.

Included in the resolution is a campaign to spread awareness and education throughout the city to send a clear message about the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of face coverings.

“We encourage businesses, schools and universities, religious groups, and other entities to provide face masks for patrons,” the resolution reads. “We encourage residents to spread goodwill in our common goal to mitigate the negative impacts of Coronavirus, simultaneously respecting the deeply held beliefs and physical limitations of others.”

The motion to accept the resolution as written passed with only one member opposed. Thomas Jensen, vice chair, said his only issue with the resolution was that he wanted the word “required” to be changed to “requested” because there is not a punishment for not wearing face coverings.

Chief Gary Jensen said the Logan Police Department has not issued any citations to citizens not wearing face coverings since the mandate took effect Aug. 1.

The resolution takes effect Aug. 31 and will expire at 11:59 pm on Oct. 15.

