
Logger’s Ball celebrates 75 years of beards and flannel

The 75th Annual Logger’s Ball features food, fun and large amounts of flannel and facial hair.

Hosted by the College of Natural Resources, the ball began in 1938, said Arthur Wallis, a junior in conservation and restoration ecology. The ball was originally called ‘Paul’s Party’ and has undergone changes over the years, Wallis said.

“It was a campus-wide party,” he said.

Along with Paul’s Party, the university officially recognized Forester’s Week in 1939 after a Paul Bunyan statue, symbolizing the saint of foresters, was presented to the newly-appointed dean of the school of forest, range and wildlife, Paul M. Dunn. The week featured following the rivalry between foresters and engineers on campus.

Though the original celebration featured a large dance, Wallis said other activities now accompany the dancing.

“There will be dancing, there will be music, but not everyone who goes in there is going to be asked to dance if that makes sense,” he said.

Liz Sodja, a senior majoring in environmental studies, elaborated.

“There’s dinner and dancing,” Sodja said. “We then nominate and select a king and queen of the forest, and then there’s also a beard contest. Girls make beards and guys grow them. We’re adding a photo booth this year; that should be fun.”

The ball is now a well-known USU tradition. The College of Natural Resources collaborates with various student clubs, sub-committees and the Dean’s Office to hold the event. This is Wallis’ second year helping organize ball.

“With the Logger’s Ball, we want to keep the tradition alive,” Wallis said. “(It’s) a great party every year where people can let their wild side out a little bit. They can embrace the outdoorsy nature.”

Sodja worked with many others this year to help make the Logger’s Ball happen.

“I love the tradition behind it,” Sodja said. “It really makes me feel connected to something that makes our college unique and awesome. It’s one of my favorite events of the year, has been since I was a freshman.”

Trinity Smith, a senior majoring in wildlife science, attended a previous Logger’s Ball.

“I am looking forward to hanging out with friends,” Smith said.

She said she is also excited for the catered food from Café Sabor.

Wallis said the event is a time of reminiscence and an opportunity to celebrate the “woodsmen-y” look. He said he is most excited for the beard contest, which conveniently coincides with No-Shave November.

“I think a lot of people will come sporting some type of facial hair,” Wallis said.

He said many people who attend naturally have impressive facial hair.

“Then there’s other people who try and try, and it comes out pretty pathetic and pretty measly. I think the effort is what I admire most,” Wallis said. “Anybody who tries to grow a beard, I just have some respect for them.”

The ball takes place Friday, Nov. 14, at the Logan Country Club from 7-10 p.m. Tickets are $8 for students and $12 for non-students.

“In years past, it’s been more of an exclusive event for the College of Natural Resources,” Wallis said. “We really want people to know that they’re invited.”

— sadiejherrera@aggiemail.usu.edu