Looking back on tomorrow


Letter to the Editor,In case you do not know, I am a past writer for the Statesman and a graduate from the Spring semester. I am hopeful that you will include the following commentary in your letter to the editor section, or commentary section. Have a great day and a successful year.

…Time has come and gone, especially for those of us who have called Utah State University and the surrounding community home. For me, it has been my home for more than 13 years. I have seen a great deal of misfortune in friends that have moved away and the tears we have all shared at the loss of friends. I have also seen the triumph of the human spirit during graduation, a student’s shear enjoyment of getting that first passing grade, championship caliber athletic teams and the gathering of a community during our country’s arguably darkest hour.

For those that call Cache Valley and USU home away from home for just the school year I will say that the one thing that makes a difference is your involvement. It is easy to sit back and complain about how something does not work, or a decision in local government places students at a disadvantage. So the question to ask is what can be done, or not done, to make a difference? The answer lies in your individual involvement and to what degree that involvement will be.

We have all heard the expression that there is no “I” in team. The biggest team there is in Cache Valley is the student population at Utah State. It takes each person to make life better and if you don’t believe it ask those who have been busy during the summer tying to make campus a little easier. Individually there was a great deal of work that had to be done, and collectively, it got done. The elected student representatives we graduates and upperclassmen voted into office are the most superb individuals you will find anywhere. There are none on campus that have sacrificed as much in time, school and personal effort as your student government.

It does not matter whether the only place you see on campus is the inside of a computer lab or spending long nights in the stacks. Whether your Greek, thespians, tree-huggers, staff writers for the Statesman or a student trying to gain an education, your involvement will determine your success past that sought after degree. Time management is the key to not only your personal life, but also to your college life and there is time enough to be involved with many areas of campus life. When you walk passed the people in the hub, stop and get to know them. Chances are they are student athletes, student government representatives or students who want to be involved but don’t know who to talk to or how to get involved.

Who am I to give such advice you may ask? By the time I am done writing this and you are done reading you will see my name. Ask and you may find out, then again you may not, but whether you know my name or not you will find that making a difference while you are gaining your education is paramount. Just by asking you have already made a difference by meeting someone you did not know and possibly a friend for life…

Eternally the Truest and Bluest Aggie,

Greg Johansoncub173@yahoo.com719-489-4445719-232-20238317 Old San Isable Rd.Rye, CO 81069