Love and Forgiveness? How about remeberance!

Editor, I have my B.S. degree in history and I am currently a graduate student, studying political science here at USU. I am writing today in response to a recent letter you published about the U.S. position on Iraq. Although I am typically interested in others preceptions about the way things ought to be, I was most bothered by a comment that suggested Americans have a lack of understanding of what war is! Could anyone seriously believe that? I, like many americans, have plenty of family members who are now serving or have previously served in the military. My little brother has been serving in the middle east since 1993, always providing aid and protection to people of other nations that can’t seem to fend for themselves, and in someway manage to convince The U.S., either directly or through the U.N. that our help is needed. Needed, but rarely appreciated! My father was pulled to fight in Vietnam, my grandfathers fought in WWII and in Korea, Yes Korea. If it wasn’t for The U.S., There wouldn’t be prosperity in south Korea, and because of the U.N. stopping our efforts, the Koreas are not united and prospering as one nation. Americans don’t like war, but we damn sure know what war is!All too often we end up having to fight and clean up someone else’s mess. It happened in WWII europe, and like it or not the current administration is forced to consider if Iraq poses a sufficient threat. I don’t like the idea that we may have to fight another war,and we could ignore this problem for a while. But the reality is that if left to fester, and Iraqi leadership forces it’s way onto neighboring countries with terrible weapons, the world will be crying for the U.N., via U.S. intervention, to come to the rescue. It’s not a matter of wanting war, but of preventing and minimizing the death and horror that will come later. Something That Americans understand all to well as we have always dealt with it, usually for others.

Steve Wallenda546-15-4268435-787-4201 (H)435-753-0880 (w)435-797-3971 (t/a office) ( sorry, I don’t use campus mail)