
Love is Full in Bloom

Holly Adams

A daisy speaks 1,000 words.

Those girls who get a daisy on Valentine’s Day will have to carefully examine it to see what the giver was meaning to tell her.

According to dotflowers.com, one daisy means innocence, while two mean affection. But there’s a lot more to it than that. There are different types of daisies that mean everything from beauty to farewell.

Checking up on what that flower really means could save a lot of males from mistakenly telling their sweetheart goodbye this Valentine’s Day.

Denise Stimpson, manager at Fred’s Flowers said roses are the most common flowers sold on Valentine’s Day. They will sell all of the 2,500 red roses they received for the big day, she said.

Stimpson said they make around 550 bouquets and about 378 deliveries will be made.

Loralie Cox, a USU Extension horticulture agent said about 70 percent of the roses sold on Valentine’s Day are red.

Roses come in a huge variety of colors and each one has its own personal message for what the person is trying to convey. Sending flowers to a girl can mean a lot of research about what is actually being said.

Cox said floral definitions depend on the color, size, buds or full blooms, and if the flowers are alone, paired or in bouquets. Each element can change the meaning of flower.

For those trying to tell their valentine they are in love, the red rose is best, Stimpson said.

But for those who aren’t quite ready, Cox said depending on the shade, pink roses express gratitude, admiration or sympathy. Peach roses mean sympathy or gratitude.

For those just wanting to be friends, yellow roses symbolize joy, gladness, freedom and friendship, Cox said.

White roses have a heavenly theme, meaning reverence, purity and innocence, Cox said. They can also say “You’re heavenly,” she said. Orange roses mean fascination and a mix of red and white roses express unity.

Stimpson said a coral or peach rose means desire.

“So I guess if you get those, it’s a good deal,” she said.

Those who want to change it up and give something besides a rose have several good choices though.

A secret love can be revealed by giving a girl a gardenia, according to dotflowers.com, while a white lily says, ‘It’s heavenly to be with you.’ Pansies mean ‘good thoughts of you’ and giving a tulip is a declaration of love. Calla lilies mean beauty and orchids mean ‘you flatter me.’

Stimpson said the worst flowers to send on Feb. 14 are daisies, baby’s breath and carnations, “because they’re just typical.”

There are a lot of things to do in order to be ready for the holiday, but Stimpson said there are a few things to know before ordering flowers.

“Order early so you’ll always get what you want,” Stimpson said, “and I don’t mean early that morning. I mean a few weeks in advance.”

Stimpson said people who come in on Valentine’s Day might be out of luck. They will be stuck with whatever is left.

“It will be hard to get what you want,” Stimpson said.

At Fred’s Flowers, Valentine’s Day is not their favorite day, Stimpson said.

“Mother’s Day is bigger though,” Stimpson said. “Not everyone has a valentine, but everyone has a mother.”
