
LTD center opens; new CVTD district underway

By Matthew Flitton

Logan Transit District officials held a ribbon cutting ceremony Aug. 24, to celebrate the construction of its new transit center. The center’s architecture includes old-fashioned benches and high archways, reminiscent of train stations.

“It sure raises the bar for what a transit center’s supposed to look like,” said Ron Bushman, transit manager for the LTD.

The new center offers commuters protection from the elements and access to bathroom facilities.

“It won’t be as comfortable as home, but it will take an edge off [the temperature],” said Todd Beutler, LTD operations manager.

Inside the station will be an information booth and a police substation. While the station will be open as long as buses are running, the information booth will only be open during peak hours, from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 2:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.

Bushman said the police substation will be open approximately 60 percent of the time. The substation will have one officer dedicated to the facility, and others will help as they can.

Bushman said Logan police came to LTD looking for a new home when the accommodations in Smith’s became cramped.

“They asked if we would give them a place. I said, ‘If you’ll fill it, we’ll gladly give it to you,'” Bushman said.

The facilities also have a PA system, which will allow those waiting for buses to be notified if a connection is running late.

In addition to new facilities, new bus lines have been added. The LTD now has a line that runs to North Logan.

“The extra route for North Logan is because it serves businesses on Main Street from 500 North to 2600 North,” Jay Aguilar, transportation planner for the Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization said in an interview last October.

In addition, the Cache Valley Transit District now has two lines.

One line runs south to Hyrum, the other goes north to Richmond and includes an on-demand drop-off service to Pepperidge Farm.

Beutler said those lines served 260 passengers during the first full day of service.

LTD officials said they’re pleased by the use.

“We’re more afraid of overcrowding [on the bus] right now,” Bushman said.

Like the LTD, the CVTD is funded completely by sales tax. There is no fare to use the bus system.