
Man bites dog

By Joe Cool


Government inspectors looked for the fuselauge.

Marie and Donnie Osmond were the emcees for the Miss America pageant.

The Roaring 20’s ended with the Stock Market crash.

The earthquake, measured 6.5 on the Richter scale, and had its epicenter near Butte.

Time Magazine recently indicated that 80 percent of the population accesses the internet.

The book laid on the table at home.

In first grade, students learn the ABCs.

The police do not know who set the fire at 283 W. 23rd Street.

Tickets for tonight’s performance of Macbeth are $12 for adults and $8 for students.

Two-thirds of the students polled opted not to enroll in AP classes.

Soccer games are sometimes played in temperatures below 32 degrees.

Over 300 students voted in the homecoming elections.

The school board will meet December 14.

On March 12, the team won by three points.

He ran 5 yards in 9 seconds.

Robert Doan spent $15.00 on a new CD for his best friend



Hu Jintao

Ray Nagin

Two high schools apparently were targets this past week for Columbine-type assaults by students. In what states were those high schools?

Osama Bin Laden issued new threats over the weekend and said the United Sates and Europe are waging a war against what?

Has anyone from the Duke lacrosse team been arrested or charged with a crime?