
MEET THE BAND: Nobody Special

Jacob Moon

The Utah Statesman: First of all, Who are you? What is your major? Who else is in the band and what do they do?

Dummer: I’m Dummer, majoring in business information systems, and I play bass. Mike Chidsey is on vocals. Jason Engar plays guitar, and Jaron Bishoff plays the drums.

US: Who was your biggest inspiration?

D: It depends on which one of us you talk to. For me, it is probably The Ataris, They Might Be Giants or Nerfherder.

US: What is the best part about performing in Cache Valley?

D: There’s no real money in it so that isn’t too good. But there are good, loyal fans which makes it fun and adds satisfaction to it.

US: Do you make much money at it?

D: Not really. We have started to make more now and we are starting to record a demo CD this week.

US: What does it mean to you to be an Aggie?

D: I guess I do my best to support sports and activities and Aggie ice cream. And I give the school lots of money to go to school.

US: Batman or Superman? Why?

D: Batman for sure. He has all the cool toys; plus, the series is better on TV.

US: Do you want to ever perform on MTV? Why or why not?

D: Yes, so Mike can punch Carson Daly in the face because that is his goal.

US: What is your favorite activity in the snow?

D: Mine is snowmobiling, but Mike and the others would probably say snowboarding.
