mental health

Mental health resources for Utah State University students

Navigating the first year of college can be an intense, stressful time. Utah State University has mental health resources to help.

The first year of college can be a scary experience full of many firsts. You may experience a lot of stress and anxiety when you least expect it.

USU’s Counseling and Psychological Services offers mental health services to all students. Eligible students can have individual sessions with a counselor or work with a CAPS clinical case manager to find a therapist that works for them at an off-campus service.

CAPS also has self-guided resources for self-help. These resources cover topics like stress, anxiety, depression, suicide and more. There are free apps, videos, articles, online workshops and workbooks available through the CAPS website. They have pre-recorded workshops that can be viewed at any time.

Tasha Howard, an assistant professor at USU Extension with a focus on mental health, said the online resources are not the only way to learn about mental health.

“Additionally, there is a course which is offered that can not only help you learn more about mental health but help you learn how to find valid and research-backed help,” Howard said. Catalogued as HDFS 3700, the course approaches mental health in a simple way.

“I have partnered with the course instructor, and we offer an adapted version of this course online to those in the agricultural field,” Howard said. “The course is backed by research and teaches about mental health in a real and easy-to-understand way.”

“How Hobbies Improve Mental Health,” an article on the USU Extension website, is authored by Emma Parkhurst, a Professional Practice Extension Assistant Professor.

According to Parkhurst, the mental health benefits of hobbies include reduced stress, improved mental health, enhanced well-being, improved social connection and decreasing depression and anxiety.

“When we dedicate time to voluntarily engage in pleasurable activities, research shows our mental health can flourish,” Parkhurst said.

Nature can also boost your mental health. Ways to spend time in nature include visiting nature sites, taking breaks outside, bringing plants indoors and gardening.

“Experts agree that spending as little as 10 minutes in nature can lead to improved mood, focus and overall well-being,” Parkhurst said.

If you are interested in farming, agriculture and mental health, the podcasts available through Mental Health Education Extension might interest you. The hosts of the new AgWellness podcast series, Jacob Hadfield and Josh Dallin, said the podcast shares experiences with mental health and working in agriculture.

“The new AgWellness podcast series explores mental health in farming and ranching communities,” the Extension website says. “Mental health is a growing concern in the farming and ranching community and through this podcast, we will share stories about the impact of mental health concerns, helpful resources, and information.”

The USU Inclusion Center is another campus mental health resource. They have information for everyone with specific areas of interest in the topics like adult learners, gender and sexuality, women and gender, indigenous peoples and multicultural experience.

USU has a lot of resources for mental health — take advantage of them and what they have to offer. Good luck to all first-year and transfer students!