Misinterpretation of Quote by Boyd K Packer


Juan-Carlos Mackay787-6108I wish to help clarify statements made by Elder Boyd K Packer in the October 2003 Ceneral conference. A column appeared in Wednesday’s Statesman, “Religious Orientalism: Boyd K. Packer et al,” which criticized Elder Packer’s statements about diversity and tolerance as “ideological chauvenism.” I feel that the statements were misinterpreted.The full text of the talk can be found at lds.org for anyone’s perusal. Though diversity and tolerance is a much-debated issue here in Utah, Elder Packer was not soley addressing Utahns. He was speaking specifically to Latter-Day Saints in all parts of the world, including areas where the Church of Jesus Christ is not popular or well respected. The LDS people in those areas feel pressure to give up their values, and Elder Packer was incouraging Latter-Day Saints to hold onto their beliefs and moral standards.Rather than belittling individuality, Elder Packer spoke of maintaining individuality in spite of peer pressure. A sample from his talk: “If the word [people use to pressure you] is choice, tell them you choose good, old fashioned morality.” His point was that if someone feels that an opinion or lifestyle is right, then others should show respect for the decision.Arguments begin every day as the result of misunderstandings. Before questioning anyone’s statements, it is best to review the statements in context.