Miss Diversity is crowned this year’s Miss USU
Alexis Cooper was crowned Miss USU 2018 at this year’s pageant Tuesday.
For the talent portion of the competition, she received a standing ovation for her poem on what it is like to be diverse on Utah State University’s campus and in America.

Tarren Jessop, Miss SAA (Student Alumni Assiciation), won first attendant and Gabby Hawkes, Miss Engineering, won second attendant.
The theme for Miss USU is “There is More to Me.” Riley Michaelsen, the A-Week director, said this year they are trying to stress that USU is full of many different individuals.
“We’re trying to celebrate the people we are on the inside as well as the outside and try to show that our Aggie Family is a diverse and talented amazing bunch of individuals,” Michaelsen said.
Cooper said she is honored to have been crowned and hopes she can fill the shoes of Miss USU.
As Miss Diversity, Cooper said, “it goes to show that us little guys, if we are loud enough we will be heard.”
Cooper said the pagents theme is meant to encourage others to take the time to get to know other students on campus.
“Because there is more than just you in the world and everyone is experiencing a different reality,” Cooper said.
There were 12 contestants, each representing a different college:
- Abby Dean – Miss Arts
- Holland Pollard – Miss Business
- Rachel Demarjian – Miss CAAS
- Kimber Young – Miss CHaSS
- Alexis Cooper – Miss Diversity
- Deidra Thomas – Miss Education
- Gabby Hawkes – Miss Engineering
- Regan Eggli – Miss Greek.
- Eve Robertson – Miss Involvement
- Erin Butikofer – Miss Natural Resources
- Tarren Jessup – Miss SAA
- Rachel Modersitzki – Miss Science

The night started off with a dance performance by all the Miss USU contestants which was choreographed by Amanda Berrett and Daidree Davis, two of USU’s Dance Co. dancers, to Demi Lovato’s hit song “Confidence.”
Before the show began Jessup said she was “petrified” but wanted the student body to know that this event is meant to try to represent the entire student body.
“Engineers, natural resources, everyone. This is to show we all belong here,” Jessup said.
Jessup’s talent for the competition was yodeling. She completed her look by sporting a pair of lederhosen.
Jessup said she felt all of the contestants deserved their positions and she’s very proud of them all.
“I’m very excited to be able to have this position and to be able to enact my initiatives. I’m excited to support Alexis and all that she does,” Jessup said.
Jessup hopes to be able to bring SAA into her position and will look into involving past winners in future Miss USU competitions.
Before the show, Hawkes said she was antsy and excited to see the crowd and show what she had been working on.

“Whoever wins, we’re all gonna try and expand the pageant’s theme throughout the campus,” Hawkes said.
Hawkes impressed the judges with her drill team kicks and performed a choreographed dance to “Dream” by Bishop Briggs.
As a representative of female engineers, Hawkes said anyone can do engineering as long as they’re willing to work for it.
To any women who aspire to be apart of the S.T.E.M. field, Hawkes said, “If you’re thinking about it and you’re passionate for it, go for it.”
Hawkes said she is very excited and happy to have been crowned and able to represent engineering.
“I can’t wait to help the first attendant and the queen with our pageant motto and portraying that throughout the university in the next year. I love USU and I love all of the opportunities here. Go Aggies,” Hawkes said.