Mistakes with article about Shinsen-Gumi


I am writing this letter as a response to the, in my opinion, ill-written article concerning the club known as the Shinsen-Gumi (note: this is the correct spelling). The author of the article had several facts mistaken and if possible, I would like to repair them. The Shinsen-Gumi was formed between the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the beginning of the Meiji (not Me Jin) Era. For those people not familiar with Asiatic history, this was in the mid 1800 ‘s in Japan (not China). The Shinsen-Gumi was a special police force used by the Tokugawa Shogunate to attempt to quell the backers of the Meiji Restoration. On the whole, I find the articles in the Statesman to be well-written and well-researched. So from what I have observed, this kind of error is not common, so I am not over-offended. However, I would suggest the printing of an apology from Mr. McKenzie to the members of the Shinsen-Gumi as he was unable to properly the correct information to the students of this college.

Jim Brown3rd Captain, Shinsen-Gumi