Money for Robins Awards requested

Kari Gray

The Organizations and Traditions Committee requested money from the Associated Students of Utah State University’s Capitol and Support Fund to help finance the Robin’s Awards presentation and spring formal, Tuesday.

Jennifer Putnam, Athletics vice president, said every year the Organizations and Traditions vice president starts with $7,000 budgeted for the combined Robins Awards ceremony and spring formal knowing and expecting $4,200 will be added to the budget from the Educational and General Fund.

However, Putnam said, because of state educational cuts in funding and the Organizations and Traditions vice president taking on new activities this year, the committee has only $6,000 to work with and no money coming from the Educational and General Fund.

To help with the cost of the ceremony and formal event, Putnam said a requested $5,000 from Capitol and Support will help to cover the remainder of the committee’s needs.

“We need this extra money so they can do what they need to do to make it a nice event for students,” Putnam said.

Putnam also said because students purchase tickets to the spring formal, the Organizations and Traditions Committee usually makes money on the event. This money then rolls into the ASUSU Capitol and Support Fund.

This year, she said, with the extra money made from ticket costs, the funds used in Capitol and Support can be replaced after the formal.

Putnam said the Robins Awards ceremony and spring formal “is a very important tradition and a whole magical night.”

In other business, the ASUSU Executive Council passed a proposal to have a new adviser evaluation system.

Kristen Stokes, Family Life senator, said this new system will allow students to go to the Utah State University Web site and electronically evaluate advisers.

She said this will enable advisers to get feedback on how they are performing and how they can improve to better meet student needs.

“Academic adviser evaluations are a step in the right direction,” Stokes said.