
Most eligible bachelors–Ryan D. Malnar

Height: 6′ 0″

Weight: 195 pounds

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Green

Major/year in school: chemistry, junior

Describe yourself in one word: Ryan (mischievous)

Describe your dream girl: She thinks I’m funny and she has longer hair than me (curly hair is a plus).

What motivates you to get out of bed each morning? Breakfast or girls; that’s a tough question.

Describe your perfect date: Anytime my date and I accomplish something like building a really, really cool sandcastle.

What is your favorite quote? “Family, isn’t it about time?”

What do you want to do after college? Raise miniature horses on a ranch in the mountains and work two to three days a week in the city.

Is there anything that certain someone could do to win you over? “I’m sure there is but no one has done it yet. My mom has a how-to book, if anyone is interested.”

What is your best pick-up line? “Runnin’ a farm is a lot of work but that will all change when my sons arrive.”

She says: “So you’ve got children?”

“Well, not yet but I was hopin’ you could help me with that.”

She says: “So you want me to marry you then?”

“Well, it’s a bit sudden but all right.”

She says: “Is that what you call a proposal?”

“I love you. I always have. I want to marry you.”

If you could meet one famous person, who would it be? I don’t like famous people, I’d rather meet a regular Joe … or Jane. Yeah, definitely Jane.

What is something about you that would make you want to date yourself? I don’t have a unibrow, and I like to quilt.

Why are you still eligible? Easy come, easy go. I want to date the girl I marry for at least six months, and the breakup comes at usually about four. So, doing the math, I’m about two-and-a-half months short in every relationship.