Mr. USU draws in a packed house during homecoming week

Every seat was filled with supportive friends, family and excited Aggies alike at the Daines Concert Hall for Utah State’s annual male pageant, Mr. USU. 

In fact, attendance was so high that ushers were turning away people at the door.

“Watching what creative talents these guys come up with is definitely the best part,” said pre-business major Kali Hollins. “The individualization of each contestant is always so different and so cool.”

Some of the contestents and crew on stage from the Mr.USU pagent on September 25, 2019. The contestents in back from left to right: Tyler Francom, Brandon Ellis, Reed Ericson, Nathan Scott, Max Heine, Konner Simmons, Glen Petersen, Tony Ahlstrom, Jeremy Ludwig, Kellan Huber, and far right is the winner Maximilliano Karabachian. Photo by Jared Casper

“I’m just excited to see the creator of the meme page ‘Aggie Memery,’ Kellan Huber, on stage,” said Jared Rogerson, a political science major. “He is Utah State royalty.”

The pageant opened with a dance number to “Canned Heat,” the song made popular on “Napoleon Dynamite” and instantly went into a talent section. Nathan Scott, Mr. Arts, showed his vocal range, singing everything from opera to Aerosmith’s “Dream On.” Meanwhile, Tyler Francom, Mr. Engineering, wowed the audience with his yo-yo tricks.

The director of the pageant this year was Sarah Rasmussen, who said the process started in early April. 

“We began logistics of the pageant first. Then came picking out a theme, which we decided on ‘Dance,’ and a committee,” she said. “About a month ago, we picked 12 contestants out of 30 applicants.”

Maximilliano Karabachian, Mr. Diversity, said that he decided to finally apply and go out with a bang after attending Mr. USU every year since he was a freshman.

“I’ve put my heart and soul into my performance and I am beyond excited to share it with the audience,” Karabachian said.

Jeremy Ludwig, Mr. Student Alumni Association, said he wanted to participate after watching the pageant yearly as well. 

“I want to represent the school I love so much,” said Ludwig.

Not only were the colleges represented, but so was Greek Life, Diversity, and the Student Alumni Association.

“It’s a really great opportunity to get guys from all different parts of the school and put on a really awesome show.” said Ludwig.

Each contestant was rated by each of the four judges: USUSA Executive Vice President Dexton Lake, Financial Officer for Student Affairs Taya Flores, Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. James Morales and the marketing manager for S.E. Needham Jewelers, Sylvan Needham. Participants were judged on creativity, confidence and poise for both the talent section and the formal wear section.  As well as crowning Mr. USU, the audience also voted for which contestant they wanted to win Mr. USU’s People’s Choice award.

Mr.USU winner, Maximilliano Karabachian, on stage with contestents Jeremy Ludwig and Max Heine, as he was announced as the winner of this year’s pagent. Karabachian said “Honestly feels like I’m living in the Twilight Zone. I didn’t think this was gonna happen, I just wanted to put on a great showand the fact that the judges picked me is mind numbing. I’m so happy. My backup dancers: Lei Mobley, Nanyal Rout, Rachel Broadhead pushed me and inspired me and deserve the biggest shout out, I couldn’t do it without you, thank you!”

The winner of Mr. USU was Mr. Diversity, Maximilliano Karabachian, and the People’s Choice award went to Mr. Agriculture, Kellan Huber.

At the end of the day, the Mr. USU pageant continues to be a success that draws in hordes of supportive Aggies yearly and increases school spirit during homecoming week.

Rasmussen said that she wanted everyone who came to enjoy their time and feel proud to be an Aggie. 

“It’s more than just a pageant. It’s a comedy show that welcomes all,” she said.
