MSS kicks off week of celebration

By Monica Swapp

In an effort to expose USU students to diversity and promote a knowledge of different cultures, USU Multicultural Student Services (MSS) and the International Student Council (ISC) have teamed up to head International Education Week this year.

The theme of International Education Week is Unity in Diversity, which is the ISC’s main focus and ultimate goal, said Lindi Fu, ISC cultural vice president.

“This week is a showcase done in order to bridge the gap between the international students and the other students on campus,” said Vineet Lakhlani, ISC vice president.

Guest speakers will be coming to USU to talk about the importance of having an international experience at USU and the goal is to promote understanding, Lakhlani said. Kiosks will be set up with displays from many different countries and international students will be there to answer any questions students may have about the culture, he said.

This year’s International Education Week is different because the proceeds of the international cookout are going towards a good cause, Lakhlani said. The money raised will go towards the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business’ micro-loan account which is used to build up businesses in South America, he said.

The international pageant has changed this year with the judging forms, making them more conducive for all students, putting the highest emphasis on the talent portion and the caliber of performance, Fu said. The pageant is a fun opportunity for students to show pride in their culture and share their talents with others, she said.

Ignorance of culture promotes stereotypes but a diverse campus will promote unity and an appreciation of diversity that is necessary at USU, Lakhlani said. This is a great forum for all students to interact with someone from another country and ask them about their culture and customs, he said.

“We live in a global village. We are so close that now we can communicate easily across nations,” Lakhlani said. “In this day and age it’s important to understand different cultures because of the growing means of communication.”

International Education Week is important to international students because they feel proud and grateful for the opportunity to celebrate their culture, Lakhlani said. Even though the ISC’s activities are based on those of different international cultures, the clubs welcome students of any nationality as well as any faculty members to all of the activities, he said.
