New CVTD bus loop connects riders from campus to downtown Logan

Utah State University students in Logan and other transit users now have a more direct bus connection between the USU Logan campus and downtown Logan. 

On Jan. 6, 2020, the Cache Valley Transit District opened two new bus lines with the goal of better connecting transit users to major stops in Logan and Cache Valley and helping to revitalize downtown Logan. Consisting of a blue line and a green line running in opposite directions, the complete circuit is known as “the Loop.”

“With buses running both directions every 15 minutes during peak times, the Loop is designed to meet the ever-changing transportation needs of our growing community,” Logan City Mayor Holly Daines said in a video posted to the CVTD website.

According to Todd Beutler, CEO and general manager of CVTD, part of the reason behind the design of the Loop is to reduce the need for transit users to ride the whole circuit to reach their destinations. 

Beutler said the new bus lines will allow for transit riders to get back and forth between downtown Logan and the university within 7 to 12 minutes, depending on traffic and the number of passengers on the bus. 

“One of the things we heard a lot from riders and non-riders alike was ‘it takes too long’ or ‘I have to make transfers.’ We know that’s not the ideal,” Beutler said. “What we did in designing this is this hits 60 percent of our major stops on the system with no transfers.” 

According to Beutler, these new lines were developed from both research by CVTD and direct feedback from transit users. Beutler said this process began several years ago and included conversations with the various cities in Cache Valley, including Daine. 

“One of [Mayor Daine’s] big priorities was revitalizing downtown and connecting Utah State to downtown as well,” Beutler said. “It’s several years in planning and fine tuning to really make this happen.”

Beutler noted the general response to the new lines has been overwhelmingly positive. However, Beutler recognizes the inherent difficulty in introducing new changes to old systems of transport.

“From the city standpoint, [the response] has been very positive,” Beutler said. “From the rider standpoint, it’s been very positive too, but there are some folks who are used to what they had before.”   He said change is hard because it takes time to understand how to make things work. 

In an attempt to address the potential difficulty in understanding the new lines and out of a desire to get the word out, CVTD has been taking active measures to spread the word about the Loop. 

Beutler also said the CVTD staff is still happy to explain and help transit users learn the ropes of the new bus lines. “If you have questions, let us know and let us help you understand how the system works,” he said.
