New International student council elected

Justin Berry

More than 1,000 students from 80 countries call Logan and Utah State University home.

These students have a voice on campus with the International Student Council, an organization founded in 1985.

Rafael Herrera, the new president of the organization, said he hopes to help international and American students integrate more in the coming year.

“I think the International Student Council should be more involved with communication,” he said. “We as a council should have more activities for [students].”

The activities can involve several different goals, he said. Often, when students come into this country, they do not understand the laws and other stipulations placed on students by the community and the school. He also said many have problems when they try to apply for a driver’s license or a social security card.

Another of the council’s goals is to help the international students have a voice on campus.

Naser Salehi, the sports and recreation vice president, said many of the activities help promote this knowledge. At the beginning of this semester, the council sponsored a volleyball tournament.

Imran-Bin Rana, the public relations vice president, said, “It was basically to encourage the international students to know they have a voice, too.”

The tournament was held between six teams comprised of international students, Salehi said. At the recent banquet, the top three teams were awarded trophies and each player on those teams received medals.

The council sponsors several events throughout the school year which include the Miss/Mr. International Night, sporting events and the International Student Banquet.

“The banquet was the most successful [event],” Salehi said. “We had over 500 people.”

The competition features members of the international community in three events. They are required to present a talent, model traditional dress and answer questions from the judges’ panel, he said.

Salehi said, “Another thing we are having soon is a soccer game [scheduled] for the last Friday before finals.”

The soccer game will be co-sponsored by the outgoing council and the newly-elected group. A team comprised of international and multicultural students and the Associated Students of Utah State University representatives will square off against the defending men’s intramural team, he said.

Even with all of the activities planned, the main focus of the council is to create a community on campus that accepts people from all over the world.

Ida Nkonge, the executive secretary, said, “It’s not just to let international students enjoy; it is for all the community of Utah State to understand and enjoy.”

The seven-member council represents seven different countries. The members are from Kenya, the Dominican Republic, Japan, Iran, India, Germany and Pakistan.

“The council is based on people from different countries and we all work together,” she said.

Daphne Hartzheim, the student life vice president, said another goal of the council is to help the international students adjust by teaming them with an American student.

Nkonge said the council members hope to help students of all nationalities participate together as one community.

“I want [students] to understand that when we hold functions it’s not just about international students,” she said. “We don’t bite, we are a social group of people.”