
New lights installed near campus

Utah State University officials were recently able to work with Logan City to have additional lights installed on a commonly used path near campus, USU Student Association President Michael Scott Peters reported to the Board of Trustees March 2.

USUSA President’s Cabinet member Emma Howard was involved in the effort to increase the lighting in the area a footpath connecting 700 North near the Pi Kappa Alpha house.

“Students were having some complaints about the path from 700 North up to campus being really dark at night,” Howard said. “We went to the city to see if putting lamp posts along that path would be a possibility.”

Howard said the goal of the lights is to provide safety and comfort for students who walk that route to and from campus in the dark.

“We as a student government are doing all that we can to ensure a safe environment for Aggies on and off campus,” said Tony Ahlstrom, the USUSA President’s Cabinet director. “The lights stand as a beacon to the student body that their voices and concerns are heard by their student government representatives.”

Although the university has no immediate plans for additional lights on or near campus, Ahlstrom said USUSA will listen for other suggestions from concerned students, the goal being “to make the school a better place for everyone.”

Howard also suggested more emergency police calling posts throughout campus.


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