
New students get comfortable

Natalie Andrews

End-of-summer heat didn’t stop progress August 23.

University administrators

hauled incoming students’ belongings while breaking a sweat, and many had a

good time in the process.

Vice President of Student Services Juan Franco was one of the many who helped freshmen participating in Connections get settled in.

Since coming to Utah State University, Franco has enjoyed the tradition and

worked to make it a party by adding barbeques at the Towers and the Student

Living Center. He said likes mingling with the students and their parents.

President Stan Albrecht jumped in on his chance to participate on his first

moving day as president of USU.

“This provides an occasion for us to offer words of encouragement to our new

students and say thanks to our very important Utah State parents,” Albrecht said.

For Franco, the hardest part is lifting the cinderblocks that students use to gain storage space under their bed.

“I tell you, carrying those things up four flights of stairs, they get heavier and heavier,” he said.

He’s always impressed with the support students have from their families – and the amount of stuff that students bring and are able to pack into the small rooms.

“I think everything worked out very well,” Franco said. “I think all of us worked a little harder than before.”


Freshman Sarah Porter moves into her new dorm room with help from Juan Franco, vice president for student services. (Amy Fuller)