North Park Police report rape of 13-year-old girl

Joseph M. Dougherty

North Park Police are preparing to arrest a 17-or 18-year-old individual suspected of raping a 13-year-old girl.

The girl reported the morning of Nov. 6 she had been raped earlier in the day, said Sergeant Brent Auman of the North Park Police Department. This incident is one of three rapes that have been reported this year. In 2000, only two rapes were reported, according to the North Park Police annual report.

Auman said very few rapes in North Logan and Hyde Park were committed by strangers.

“The last four or five rapes we’ve had were all date rapes,” Auman said.

This most recent rape is no different, he said. Auman said it appears the girl was set up on a date with the suspect by her friend. The suspect’s address is known and police hope to arrest him next week, he said.

Auman said one of the reasons for increasing rape is the Internet. He said a man may seduce a girl to the point of masturbating while conversing in a chat room with the man, who is also masturbating. Later, the man may make personal contact with the girl and rape her, he said.

Auman said there will be a rape and child abuse seminar Nov. 30 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Bridgerland Applied Technology College, located at 1000 W. 1400 North. The seminar will deal with the dynamics of sexual assault, rape, child abuse and a survivor’s perspective on abuse.

Auman said most of the instructors are from the state Attorney General’s office. One of the instructors will be Don Litton who will represent Citizens Engaged Against Sexual Exploitation (CEASE). The seminar is designed to inform law enforcement officials and school teachers. However, Auman said he would like to see many people in attendance.