Not all dates are horrible fiascoes

Tmera Bradley

Dating can be fun. And don’t laugh, that’s not a joke.
I’ve found that it all depends on your perspective. The key to remember is to not take it too seriously. Yes, dating is a means to an end. But just remember, ideally only one of your relationships will have a happily ever after.
That being said, I want to make this a shout out from the girls to the guys. I know it’s tough for you men to understand us women all the time, but we’re really not as complicated as you make us out to be. Here are a few steps to keeping your dates with us chill and fun, but at the same time, making it romantic and letting us know how you feel.
Step one: Ask us out. I don’t know if it’s the same with guys, but girls love going on a real date. It shows you’re interested in us and have taken the time to plan something fun for us to do together.
Step two: Let us know what the heck we should plan for. Are we going swimming? Tell me so I don’t have to take the plunge in my clothes. Is dinner part of the plan? Probably a good idea to let me know so I don’t eat beforehand. Going for a motorcycle ride? Give a heads up so I don’t end up trying to ride on the back of your bike in my pencil skirt and heels. You might want to keep some things a surprise, but let us know if it’s something we should prep for/dress for in advance. My girlfriends and I have seriously considered suggesting date emergency preparedness kits for the next Relief Society activity. Such kits would include but are not limited to: tennis shoes, bathing suit, emergency granola bar, fruit snacks, nylons, flashlight and life vest. Because hey, you can never be too prepared.
Step three: Don’t come early to pick us up. If you think your proactive punctuality will impress us, think again. You coming at 7:20 instead of 7:30 is the difference between our makeup being on or our hair being finished. Better to be fashionably late than unexpectedly early. But best to just be on time.
Step four: You don’t have to spend a lot of money on us. I might be speaking for myself on this one, but I don’t care how much the night puts a dent in my date’s wallet. In fact, I may or may not feel guilty when you buy my dinner, movie tickets, or pay for other activities. Some of the best dates I’ve been on were as simple as going for a swim and a snow cone, taking a hike or having a picnic up the mountains. It’s fun to go to restaurants and do things that are a little more formal sometimes, but you don’t have to break the bank to impress us.
But considering all the stuff you have to go through with us, props to you boys. You’re doing a great job, so keep it up.

Tmera is a single student majoring in broadcast journalism. She wrote this article so you boys could find out how fun she is to date. When she isn’t reporting the news, she enjoys receiving flowers, candy and love notes from her secret admirers. Send comments and questions to, or follow her on Twitter @tmerabradley.