
Opinion: Who is Kamala Harris?

Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris as a running mate for his presidential campaign in August. Harris has served in many political offices, including US senator, district attorney in San Francisco and California attorney general.

But, the question is, who is Kamala Harris? And what does she bring to Biden’s presidential campaign, and, if he is elected, to the white house?

According to The New York Times, Harris is arguably the “best-known Black woman in American politics.” Thus, Harris appeals to moderate and liberal audiences. Born in Oakland, California, Harris has been the first Black woman to win several elections, including California’s attorney general, district attorney and is now the first Black woman chosen to be a vice presidential running mate.  

Students at Utah State University may know Kamala Harris best for her intense questioning that often ends in a phenomenal roast, thereby humiliating the person she was questioning. Harris is very thorough and demands real answers from politicians; her grilling is perceived to be an excellent method to find the truth, though some may find it intimidating. During her run for the presidential nomination this year, Harris called Joe Biden out on his race relations and his previous opposition to bussing in America. Needless to say, it is clear that Harris is a quick-witted and highly educated woman.

In 2015, while serving as attorney general, Harris created Open Justice. Harris heard Californian and American distrust in law enforcement, and this was her response. The Open Justice system is a criminal justice open data initiative, which allowed the public to view criminal justice data.

Harris explained that Open Justice “puts forward a common set of facts, data and goals so that we can hold ourselves accountable and improve public safety. The California Department of Justice is proud to join with many in the law enforcement community to make our work more transparent.” In other words, the Open Justice system was created to help to increase the trust of Californians in their law enforcement officers by being as transparent as possible.

These facts aside, there are some problematic things in Harris’s past that are troubling.

According to Politico, Harris’ most controversial decision came “in 2004 when she declined to pursue the death penalty against the man who murdered San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza.” Because of this decision, Harris is not a favorite among America’s police unions (which could have been a possible motivation for her Open Justice system).

Interestingly enough, when serving as California attorney general, Harris didn’t support “two ballot initiatives that would’ve banned the death penalty.” Naturally, this raised concerns of Harris’ occasional political inconsistency.

While serving as San Francisco district attorney, Kamala Harris was involved in a crime lab scandal. The scandal involved a crime lab technician who allegedly stole cocaine from the crime lab and mishandled evidence in the lab, resulting in the destruction of a thousand drug-related cases. According to Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo, “Neither Harris nor the prosecutors working for her had informed defense attorneys of the problems — despite rules requiring such disclosure. Harris ‘failed to disclose information that clearly should have been disclosed,’”

In order to protect her position, Harris failed to be transparent and inform defense attorneys of the issues in San Francisco. While she has previously supported transparency in law enforcement, these actions make it unclear if she is capable of being transparent herself. For political candidates, this is not unheard of. 

Harris is a powerhouse — an intimidating force to be reckoned with. However, as a politician she can be unreliable. Her history is filled with inconsistencies and secrecy, not unlike most politicians. If Biden is elected, Harris is likely to keep Biden in check on issues involving race and law enforcement. Still, while Harris is sharp and claims to be for the people, she has covered up things in the past and made inconsistent political moves that make her volatile and unpredictable. Because of Biden’s health and age, it is critical for voters to be aware of Harris’s credentials and past political history.



Emily White is a third year student studying English and broadcast journalism.


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  1. Liz

    Harris also supports a group that bails out rioters over and over. This allows them to continue to riot and destroy property.

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