OUR VIEW: A few last thoughts

All year, the views and suggestions made by the editorial staff have filled this space. Our Views have ranged in topic from administration appointments to legislation at the state Capitol to diatribes against the weather. We feel our coverage of campus issues has been fair and diverse.

However, there are topics we’ve wanted to address that have not validated a full opinion column. Here then, for your analysis, is an assorted collection of thoughts related to USU and its many facets of operation.

* The men’s bathrooms should be equipped with hygienic toilet seat covers. We feel it is unfair and slightly sexist for the women’s bathrooms to be so equipped and the men’s not.

* The libraries should remain open 24 hours a day during finals week in conjunction with the TSC computer lab. Students are greatly in need of late-night access to the information held in the shelves and reserve of the library during this time. The library also is a quiet place to study during the wee hours, as other buildings are closed and not all roommates believe in “quiet hours.” To accommodate the new hours, the library should be staffed by administration. The Provost’s Office staff one night, vice president’s staff the next … and so on.

* Professors should treat all students with respect. This statement might seem obvious, and there are many professors on campus who have a remarkable way to relate with their students. However, it is always discouraging for a tuition-paying member of a class to ask for help and be rewarded with a blank stare or sarcastic and snide comment. Teachers, keep bad moods to yourself.

* Peeps are disgusting. This nasty Easter delicacy should be banned from campus.

* The fact that Cache Valley had representation at the Special Olympics in Japan is incredibly cool. We would like to send out our congratulations one more time to the athletes and the volunteers who helped them get there.

* The move to keep the Quick Stop open later into the evening was brilliant.

* Next year’s administration, ASUSUEC and the Registrar’s Office should do anything and everything they can to make the graduation application process smoother, more logical and less frustrating.

* A few personal notes … a message to TSC janitors: We have long been, and will continue to be, working in the TSC well after it closes every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Please discontinue your practice of trying to kick us out. Also, students in the photo lab are actually working. And, campus police – you owe us one.