OUR VIEW: Abstinence is the only way

Many people learn from parents and religious leaders that in order to prepare for marriage, they must abstain from sexual relations, that sex is good and holy, but only when used as an expression of love within the bonds of marriage.

One of the most anticipated parts of the union of husband and wife is sex. It’s true. How many times do couples, when locked in an embrace, want to simply go “all the way?” So many times, it would be so easy and so wonderful. Holding hands is good. Hugging is great. Kissing is better. Sex must be the ultimate.

And parents will agree.

There’s the key word.


It is the parents who have joined together to procreate. It is parents who work together to offer children stability, safety, instruction and care. Parents committed to each other through a marriage bond are more likely to stay in a position to offer such care to their offspring. It’s true 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. But who’s fault is that?

Abstaining from sex until marriage will allow two people to grow together in ways other than physically. Besides the obvious protection from sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy, abstinence protects people from feeling used.

Respect each other by waiting. It really is the best way.