OUR VIEW: Agricultural influence far reaching

We all eat. It’s something we have had to do since we were little and we all enjoy it. But have you ever wondered who grew that delicious, mouth-watering apple or that wheat you put in your cornmeal pancakes?

It is the College of Agriculture’s specialty. They focus on the science of life. They study the production and distribution of products that sustain each of our lives. That fact alone deserves a round of applause.

It is agricultural week and as students, we need to have a little school pride and participate. Our school was founded as an agricultural college in 1888. That is how we began. Without this focus of study, we wouldn’t be cramming our minds with information that often feels like gibberish.

Yes, things have changed dramatically since the 19th century, and USU is as good as ever. The agricultural department is just one of many areas making it that way.

Go out and learn a little about the world around you. Go participate in the mini-park service project which they are building for former USU professor Bill Cambell. Go show your appreciation for the hard work he has done.

For many students, Wednesday nights are blocked out for a little country swing dancing. Why not block your night out, too, and go move a little bit? We all need a break from studying. Show support by dropping the books and getting your cowboy groove on.

Most importantly, you can’t go to a school based on agriculture and not attend a rodeo. That is like going to Disneyland and not riding Splash Mountain. It’s unheard of. Attend a rodeo and learn a little about an intense sport that keeps you on the edge of your seat all night long.

The agricultural department is doing more than many of us may realize. They put forth a lot of work that often goes unnoticed. Besides learning how to improve our health with soil, plants and animals, they are even working on the cloning of animals. Now, that’s pretty impressive.

It is Agricultural Week so let’s take advantage of it. Have a little school pride and participate. Go out and get involved. Get your hands a little dirty and learn a little bit more about the world around you.