OUR VIEW: An environmentally conscious ASUSU

It looks like the Associated Students of Utah State University are on the right path.

Tuesday, ASUSU passed a resolution that will urge USU to convert paper usage in computer labs and “suitable university purposes” to 100 percent post-consumer content. Hats should be taken off to them.

And why not?

If ECOS president Jim Steitz is right, and the university truly uses tens of thousands of reams of paper every semester, that is a stack of white paper more than 90 miles high — every semester. How long have the computer labs been open? How many handbooks are created in the copy center? That’s a lot of paper.

The next step for students then, is to urge USU’s administrators to take the recommendation from ASUSU to heart and do something about it.

This planet is under the stewardship of its people. If Utah State sets such a responsible example, then maybe other universities will follow. The only way to ensure this is to speak up. Speak to friends, family and leaders. Three simple words should govern thoughts about the waste people create. They are reduce, reuse and recycle.

Don’t just leave the task of fighting for the environment up to the Sierra Club. It’s everyone’s job.