OUR VIEW: Another semester, another chance

It’s been said before: Attitude determines altitude.

Think about it. Attitude affects everything. How one reacts to insults, whether taking offense or blowing it off, is contingent upon one’s attitude. It is that attitude students at Utah State University need to have in check this semester. Remember, everyone is coming off of a wonderful (and hopefully restful) Christmas break. Stretch those limbs, take a deep breath and hit the ground running.

The potential housed within this university is among the greatest of this age. Don’t let it go to waste. Get enough rest. Treat the body right. It will serve well this semester. Teachers are going to have the students jumping through proverbial hoops. Students need their energy in order to be clear and critical thinkers.

A couple of extra minutes of planning each day will help Aggies to focus on specific tasks. After planning, do. Do something — homework especially. Remember to do the most important tasks first. Any time-management specialist will say that.

Take advantage of the many opportunities offered here. Learning and growth don’t only happen in the classroom. Read a book. Join a club. Exercise. Meet someone new every week. For heaven’s sake, meet professors. That is a relationship students can’t go without.

The attitude of “I can” will surely get students up into the ionosphere instead of leaving them hanging languorously on terra firma. See the potential, and reach for it.

The time is now. There is no other. Utah State holds the key to the future whether its students like it or not. Make the simple adjustments in attitude that will allow flight to incredible heights.