OUR VIEW: ASUSU vs. Statesman basketball game will be a good one

It’s time for another tradition to be brought back to campus.

From about 1982 to 1989, The Utah Statesman and the Associated Students of Utah State University Executive Council played an annual basketball game, just for kicks.

Now, that had to be a fun time. It took place in the Spectrum and varied the time during the school year at which it was played.

Last week, The Statesman staff decided to resurrect this tradition, challenging the Executive Council to a friendly ball game. It took a couple of days for the council to respond to the challenge, but its members are game, no pun intended.

The location of the game is the council’s choice, and perhaps it will take place in the Fieldhouse during finals week.

Students have an opportunity to see history re-born.

Rest assured The Statesman will issue this challenge for years to come, so this isn’t the last chance to see a game of this caliber. Who will win? That’s tough to say right now.

Perhaps the Executive Council has some stellar players. Perhaps they possess the ability to sink long shots and prove to have killer accuracy. Perhaps not.

The Statesman staff currently claims to be superior in every aspect of the game of basketball. Deft jump shots, quick rebounds and a low turnover rate will all be evident on The Statesman team. Watch the newspaper come out on top.