OUR VIEW: Campaigning should have air of seriousness

Editorial Board

Another year of campaigning for Associated Students of Utah State University office brings the return of the all-too-familiar “res hall calling” and an endless supply of flyers that will most likely ending up in the garbage and not in the recycling bins.

Many students think this practice is annoying, but why not support the democracy that is student government and listen to what these candidates have to say?

On the other hand, this may be harder to do because of what campaigning has been reduced to. It seems campaigning has become more about a catchy slogan and coupons than issues.

Sure, flyers list issues, but what is most emphasized is the coupon included on the back.

Candidates should take more time to tell students what they plan to do if elected into office. Let the voters know good reasons to give them a vote, instead of shoving flyers in the hands of passers-by in the Taggart Student Center.

More practical forums for candidates to present their campaigns would help. Debates held in the Hub, although easy to see, are hard to hear and cluttered by students eating and visiting.

Formal public appearances could serve the campaign frenzy with some order and seriousness that many would appreciate.

And voters should return the candidates’ respect. These students spend time and money because they want to serve the student body. The winners will sit on committees that make real policy – this isn’t a nominal office. Students would be wise – not to mention courteous – if they became informed voters.