OUR VIEW: Construction, although eternal, brings good to USU, Cache Valley

As the saying goes, “Good things come to those who wait.”

Although the wait for construction to end in Cache Valley, or Utah in general, seems endless, there is a bright spot on the horizon.

Because of the construction, we receive new stores, smoother roads and eventually, synchronized lights down Main Street.

When most current Utah State University students began their collegiate careers, there was no Old Navy. Wal-Mart was simply Wal-Mart without the Supercenter and complaints about the USU Bookstore were non-stop.

However, looking at Logan now, it’s a boomtown.

Residents of Cache Valley no longer have to travel to Layton to buy the latest clothes. University students have a place to go at 4 a.m. when they need to buy a gallon of milk and the latest Matchbox 20 CD.

Perhaps the wait providing USU students the greatest pleasure is the bookstore. Although far from perfect, the bookstore provides faster service and makes students happier with the addition of cash registers.

Most people are waiting for construction to come to an end. Even though it seems to be a hassle at the moment, most students will no longer complain while heading home for the weekend and don’t have to stop at every intersection.

Oftentimes we do far more complaining about what needs repairing and far little praising when things change for the better.

Surely construction is a hassle with traffic delays, noise, smoke, stench and myriad orange cones, but it is necessary. These are but small pains to bear in return for a greater good. People should look at the eternal construction as a step toward a better and more efficient future.