OUR VIEW: Don’t make students go to Monday classes on Tuesday

Don’t get too excited about the long week, because next week’s classes are going to be even longer. Yes, that’s right. Instead of the normal no Monday classes after a holiday and going to your traditional classes, we are forced to attend Monday classes on Tuesday.

Like that isn’t confusing. To make matters worse, not all instructors abide by this university policy. Aside from the sheer annoyance of having Monday classes on Tuesday, it can also be a major inconvenience.

Some students have jobs where they only work Tuesday and Thursday, or simply have other outside commitments like families.

The instructors who do not abide by the school policy cause even more problems. It should be all or nothing, because having one instructor hold class and two other instructors who don’t makes a confusing situation even worse.

For the university to think throwing a wrench in already hectic schedules is OK is wrong. No one is going to be torn up if Monday classes are completely dropped. However, if it were absolutely necessary to have the equal amount of classes, start the semester on a Tuesday so the holiday issues won’t arise.