OUR VIEW: Elementary schools can benefit from USU

Recently, about 85 sixth-graders from Timpanogos Elementary School took to BYU’s campus to be part of a mini-business fair sponsored by the Marriott School of Business.

The elementary students set up shop near the BYU Bookstore and peddled wares, like candy bars, bracelets and date kits to passers-by.

Business students had earlier divided into teams to mentor the Timpanogos students in choosing products, setting prices, figuring in product costs and making a profit.

The fair gave the elementary students a chance to run a business and have a good experience doing it.

Why doesn’t Utah State University bring a similar program to Logan and Edith Bowen Elementary? Provo School District reported to The Daily Universe, BYU’s campus paper, that it is sold on the idea.

This kind of interaction between USU students and elementary students may bring a freshness to campus. At the same time, the College of Business will gain more recognition and admiration around USU.

The students at Edith Bowen will learn the importance of going to college, gaining an education and business. Why limit it to Edith Bowen? A cursory glance at the “schools” listing in any phone book will reveal a list of Cache Valley elementary schools – plenty of opportunities.

BYU students began planning in October, and the project came to fruition on Friday.

Can it be too difficult to start something similar at USU? It’s just a thought for next semester.