OUR VIEW: For Homecoming — Sing that fight song

Football games are often one of the hallmarks of college life. Picture it. Thousands of screaming, cheering, singing fans surrounding the field can be such a boost to a team’s morale.

However, sometimes it’s obvious that only the screaming and cheering are going on. All of a sudden, it is interrupted with a small percentage of fans chanting, “Utah State, hey! Aggies all the way! Go Aggies, go Aggies. Hey! Hey! Hey!”

But what of the part that comes before the chant?

Does the student population know there is a fight song meant to rouse the team to victory? For those who are unaware, the words to the song follow.

“Hail the Utah Aggies,

We’ll play the game with all our might!

See the colors flying,

The Aggie Blue and Fighting White!

How they stir us onward, we’ll win the victory all right,

Hail the Utah Aggies,

We’re out to win so fight, fight, fight!

Utah State, Hey! Aggies all the way!

Go Aggies! Go Aggies! Hey, Hey, Hey!”

How wonderful, and almost magical is the sound of thousands of unified voices coming from the stadium seats. That, coupled with those same fans adorned in school colors can serve as the ultimate in evoking school spirit.

So sing that song. It isn’t hard to learn. Tell friends and fellow Aggies about it. Maybe that football team will feel some of the love from its fans. Bring that Aggie football team home with all of the spirit possible.