OUR VIEW: Forgive our skepticism, but this feels familiar

The university will be debuting a new program to take the place of WebCT as soon as next fall. We are skeptical about how Blackboard Vista, the new WebCT replacement will go over here at USU. WebCT is working well for students and the thought of replacing it begs the question: Why fix what isn’t broken?

Of course progress should not be stifled just because we’re comfortable with what we have. After all, the new program could be superior to the old one.

However, thinking about an example of an upgrade gone wrong from the past – the recent upgrade of Webmail – gives us ample cause for skepticism. Many students believe that the new and improved Webmail is inferior to the original. Some say it is a less user-friendly and less intuitive program.

We don’t want the WebCT that we’re used to replaced with something difficult and inferior. Students who have already used Blackboard Vista report various concerns, including incompatibility of the program with older computers, the need to disable pop-up blockers, and it not being as user-friendly as WebCT.

Because many students own older computers, this could pose a problem for them. It requires downloads that some students’ computers may not have or cannot handle.

Students are left out of these decisions and forced to figure out a completely new program on their own. Formal education or training on the program could be helpful. This training could take place in the classes that use the program or specific training classes could be formed for interested students. Quick online courses could even be included in the program itself. The students who have tested the program have said it is difficult to find what they are looking for. A little training could go a long way.

As Blackboard Vista is ushered in, the jury will be out, judging the program against its predecessor. This could be a good change if the program is better than or at least as good as WebCT, and if students and professors are given proper training.