OUR VIEW: Get out and hit the campaign trail

The Associated Students of Utah State University had a noble goal, a great goal.

For the election season this year, there were to be no unopposed races, meaning no contests were to have only one candidate. There was a plan to have competition, to let students choose the best person for the job.

Well, the goal failed.

Not by much, but it failed, because only one person is running for ASUSU Academic vice president. Why? Does it seem like a thankless job? Does it seem like a lame position? People need to go immediately to Ericka Ensign, the current academic vice president to find out what her job entails. Don’t let a very hot position go to waste. Nothing against Karla Petty, but she can’t be handed the election on a silver platter. The same thing goes for the offices of Natural Resources senator and graduate studies vice president.

Get out there and run. Even if it seems hopeless, much good can be done. The key is to try. Even when the election seems to turn for the worse, try as a write-in candidate. Maybe there’s hope. But only one person can change that.