OUR VIEW: Getting out the vote means getting voices heard

The power of one.

For every college student who thinks one vote doesn‚t really matter, he really just doesn’t even care.

As Nov. 5 approaches, Utah State University students still have the opportunity to practice their right as residents of Utah and citizens of the United States by registering to vote.

Time is running out to register. Registration must be completed by Oct. 16 by mai land can be delivered in person until Oct. 28 to the Cache County Clerk.

Even though Civic Awareness Week has passed and Mike Waggoner and the Public Affairs Board aren’t still putting up signs to remind people to vote, students shouldn’t let this chance to excercise their right to vote. Why should this unique chance to make important decisions for the future of this valley be left to anyone, but the people who live here?

Although the nation has its leaders and laws that govern the people, the citizens are ultimately the ones who determine who leads the land of the free and the home of the brave. If students at USU don’t care who controls society, then why should anyone else?

The amount of effort it takes to vote for the leaders of this state is minuscule compared to the effect one leader can have because one person decided to practice his right as a voter.

Stop waiting for the world to change while doing nothing about it. The voice of Utah State University should be heard, and it all starts with one.