OUR VIEW: Involvement provides friends, experience

We’ve all heard the saying that college is what you make it.

Instead of sitting at home complaining that you have nothing to do, why not get involved?

The first few weeks of school is the perfect time to join a club, volunteer at the local hospital or rush a sorority or fraternity.

This is not only a great time to become part of something important on campus, but it can also lead to leadership opportunities and eventually, scholarships.

Future employers look to see what applicants were involved in during college. They might pick someone who graduated with a 3.0 GPA, was a member at a Greek house and on a couple of committees, rather than someone who had a 4.0 GPA and did nothing else.

It’s a known fact that sororities and fraternities aren’t for everyone. Greek Week might not be your cup of tea, but do something – anything.

A great source for finding out what is going on at Utah State is the A-Station. The Web site not only lists university-sponsored clubs and organizations to become part of, but there is also a message board where individuals can talk about getting together for various activities.

Talk to friends as well to find out what they are getting involved in, but don’t follow someone just to know another person in the group. By the end of your time at Utah State, you’ll probably have a whole different set of friends anyway.

If nothing else, become involved as a resume builder. It’s not exactly the most positive reason for doing something, but at least it would get you out of the house.