OUR VIEW: Lounges a step in right direction

When he campaigned for AUSUSU president last year, Les Essig made it clear that he wanted to turn the Taggart Student Center into just that – a student center – and perhaps rightfully so.

Other Utah universities, such as BYU and the University of Utah, showcase expansive student-oriented campus hubs with restaurants, lounges, bowling alleys and other amenities.

It’s not that we’re interested in keeping up with the Joneses or the Youngs, but the TSC pales in comparison to its counterparts.

The administration is, however, taking strides in the right direction.

Recently, two new student lounges have been completed and one more is in the process of being completed. After student misuse, the Love Sacs that Essig so diligently fought for were taken away, but will soon be replaced for students’ enjoyment.

Furthermore, talks of bettering and better advertising the oft-overlooked Skyroom have started up, with hopes of creating a more student-friendly atmosphere.

University administrators should be applauded for these advancements. While the student center could never be – and doesn’t need to be – administration-free or a Mall-of-America-like atmosphere, the changes being made do improve student life on campus and are appreciated.

We would encourage the administration to continue to take a progressive approach to improving quality of life for USU students and the new lounges are certainly a step in that direction.