OUR VIEW: Next year’s Spring Break will be different, but different can be good

Most students can attest that this past Spring Break was nice, whether it was spent sunbathing at the beach or catching up on homework in Logan. Not everyone decides to travel to tropical islands, eccentric cities or hike in the terrain. In reality, Spring Break is just that – a break.

During Spring Semester of 2002, the break will be slightly changed. There will be a break, but it will be from Feb. 19-22 during end of the Winter Olympic Games.

Salt Lake City will have the honor of hosting the Winter Olympics Feb. 8-24.

Utah State University has a University Calendar Committee that reviews, evaluates and recommends the university’s academic calendar each quarter. The committee met in October 1997, December 1997 and February 1998 to discuss how the calendar would be structured around the Winter Olympic Games, 2002, according to the Report of the University Calendar Committee.

Two options were discussed. One proposed beginning classes Jan. 3 and canceling classes Feb. 8-22, eliminating Spring Break and having the last day of classes be on April 29. The second decision was to begin classes Jan. 2, observe Human Rights Day Jan. 21, cancel class Feb. 8-22, eliminate Spring Break, and end classes on April 29. Both options would have allowed both students and faculty to attend, support or work during the Winter Olympics, according to the report.

While USU will have Feb. 19-22 of an Olympic Break, the University of Utah, a venue for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, will be off from Feb. 8-24.

Although USU won’t house Olympic athletes, the Winter Games will only be about two hours away. The Olympics offer the opportunity of a lifetime for students. Besides a close-up view of the games themselves, plenty of jobs and internships are available.

Salt Lake City has been preparing for this event through working on the roads, building venues for the games and preparing Utah’s inhabitants for the biggest event in the world.

It is recorded on USU’s Spring 2002 academic calendar that Spring Break will be March 29. So, no need to fear – there will be a Spring Break and students will have the opportunity to support the Winter Olympics. March 29 happens to be a Friday, so it can be looked at as a three-day weekend. And if you want to take off to your chosen destination Thursday night, you may still be able to manage to make a trip somewhere.