OUR VIEW: Open market behavior should be kept out of TSC

We would first like to say how wonderful it is USU students are as involved as they are with the various groups, clubs and service projects available to them on campus.

However, sometimes, students get so overwhelmed with excitement about what they’re doing their behavior becomes a little over the top.

We think the ground floor in the TSC is a great place to set up tables and promote what students are doing. It is not there, however, solely for this purpose.

The main walk through the TSC is also for people to walk unharassed from where they were to where they want to be.

We know you’re trying hard to do something that’s important to you, but that doesn’t give you permission to be a jerk.

Sit down, be patient. If you’re offering something we should be interested in, we’ll come talk to you.

If you’re feeling especially robust, invite us politely to come over to where you are. But don’t yell and don’t chase us across the hall with fliers, ticket offers, discount coupons or a donation jar. We wager Zion’s Bank is constantly opening accounts for students who only ducked into the bank to avoid overzealous recruiters.

Just as there is etiquette to follow in the classroom and at the dinner table, certain etiquette should also be followed in the TSC.

Please limit your activities to your table. Wandering not only creates a visible reroute in the student flow of activity, we’ve also noticed students from some groups standing in front of other groups apparently too timid to ask them to move.

Well, we’re not too timid. Move.

Of course, it’s only a few individuals reflecting poorly on a few organizations. Like we said, most students are involved in good things for good reasons. Let’s just put these black sheep out to pasture.

So next time you’re trying to spread the word about your organization, if you notice nobody will make eye contact with you, it’s because you’re doing something wrong.

Remember, TSC stands for Taggart Students Center, not The Street-market of Cairo. Please act accordingly.