OUR VIEW: Smokers should step back from buildings

Upon entering or exiting the Taggart Student Center on the way to class, one is often engulfed in a cloud of cancer-inducing charred nicotine.

Seemingly lasting for an eternity while passers-by hold their breath, the smoke soon dissipates and is quickly followed by another equally pungent cloud.

This is an obvious problem for a majority of students on campus. For years all have been bombarded with anti-smoking campaigns, “infect truth” and other humorous, memorable and sometimes poignant TV spots. By now, doesn’t everybody know smoking kills? Don’t they know cigarette smoke, both second- and first-hand, can cause a number of maladies to the body? But smoking is addictive and may be one of the most addictive substances around.

So, people are bound to smoke forever.

The state of Utah has mandated people smoking must stay 25 feet away from public buildings. It seems that a majority of smokers at Utah State University graciously observe this rule. But for those who don’t, please start to comply.

The ash depositories are conveniently located near the doors to the TSC, so smokers are more likely to smoke near them. Also, without a covered area that extends 25 feet from the building, smokers are more likely to stay closer to buildings in inclement weather. Can steps be taken to make it so they can keep their correct distance from the doors? Certainly, people comply with the 25-foot rule because they don’t want to be responsible for pumping carcinogens into everyone else’s lungs.

Many times people are encouraged to drink responsibly. Well, now it’s time for people to begin smoking responsibly. Please continue to follow the rules. Keep the smoke away from the buildings, and 17,000 students will be grateful.