OUR VIEW: Steam tunnel will eventually show benefits

The new heating plant will be a great addition to the university although construction was unfortunate for the landscape along the tunnel route. Currently an inconvenience and frustration for students, the tunnels under construction will allow future maintenance on the heating lines without disrupting campus or its landscape.

The decision on removing or relocating the trees was made after a great deal of thought. The fate of each tree was considered on an individual basis. All but two of the trees along the walkway from the Spectrum to the HPER building were transplanted to another location on campus.

The majority of trees lining the walkway from the Veterinary Science and Bacteriology Building to the Geology Building had to be moved. Several trees had grown large enough that the roots would have been severely damaged or killed during construction and did not allow for their relocation. Other trees were diseased or already dying and would have required replacement in the near future.

The efforts made by the Arboretum Committee resulted in 23 trees and several shrubs being relocated to other parts of campus. Although removing the trees and other landscape displeased many people, it was done in the best interest of the university. The heating plant will serve the entire campus during long Logan winters. Tunnel construction will also allow for changes to permit firefighters access to the central part of campus. This spring, new landscape will be planted to replace what was removed and re-beautify campus.