OUR VIEW: Student input fuels positive changes

The student voice is being heard loud and clear at Utah State University.

During the first half of this semester, a number of controversial issues have been brought to the student forum, and many of those issues have been resolved with the help of student input.

Students spoke out against the changes to the Parking Terrace, and Parking and Transportation Services listened. The terrace now only charges motorists to park there until 9:30 p.m., and students were invited to the latest parking committee meeting to let their voices be heard.

Students also raised their voices against the policy of lighting the Aggie Blue Pride Light on Old Main. Last week, the policy of turning the light on was changed to be inclusive of all varsity sports and the USU Hockey Club. Once again, a victory for the student voice.

Students have recently raised concerns about bicyclists and skateboarders riding on campus between classes, causing a possible safety hazard. Efforts are underway to find a solution to that problem. The plan to suspend the portugese minor has also been abandoned because of the student voice.

As of Thursday, 11 letters to the editor wait for publication in The Utah Statesman. Students are using this forum to let their voice be heard and we applaud them.

The most important part of any institution of learning is the students. Students are the wheels that drive any campus and it is up to them to keep the wheels from getting loose.

Congratulations USU students, your opinions are making a difference.