OUR VIEW: Take a hint from hockey and attend smaller sports events

The Utah State hockey club set a new attendance record at Saturday’s game versus BYU. There were 1,640 screaming fans that cheered the Aggies on to an overtime victory. The hockey team achieved this by maintaining a good relationship with its fans and producing a fun, exciting product on the field of play.

The hockey players have repeatedly said how student support for them is head and shoulders above hockey teams at other universities in the region. Like the Spectrum, the Eccles Ice Arena has been a significant home-ice advantage because of the enthusiasm of the students and fans.

Other sports such as intramurals, women’s basketball, rugby and lacrosse have seen their student support grow over the last few years as well. And activities like Poetry and a Beverage are also getting increasing support from the student body. This year’s Homecoming dance was almost canceled until an overwhelming student response brought it back.

We believe it is a good sign other sports and activities besides football and men’s basketball are being supported by USU students and fans. We hope this trend continues for sports and activities on campus that have gone the extra mile to create quality entertainment for the student body.

Logan is a college town. Its atmosphere is created by the students and the activities they participate in. Various clubs and organizations are always hosting events on and off campus. They offer entertainment for all kinds of people and personalities and should continue to be supported in order to maintain the unique college town environment at USU and in Logan.

If student support goes away, then the atmosphere will go with it.